NPSAS -PO Box 444, Frederick, SD 57441
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NPSAS Membership

Your membership helps us to promote healthy living, strengthen our economy and preserve our farms, farmland and environment. NPSAS advocates for farming practices that benefit the environment and human health. NPSAS works directly with farmers to encourage better care of the land by increasing perennial crops, reducing chemical use and developing environmentally beneficial livestock systems.

Food is our common ground. NPSAS is working at creating a sustainable food system that brings together consumers, farmers, gardeners, educators, and local food lovers, as we all have a stake in ensuring a healthy future in agriculture. With a yearly membership you will receive our quarterly newsletter, electronic updates through the e-Sprout, discounts at events, and the option to list your products on the NPSAS website. Your membership will support programs that are helping to reshape agriculture and communities in the region.

Membership Benefits

Unlock a world of perks and opportunities by becoming a member of NPSAS

Your Voice

As a group, we are a very loud voice! We serve on federal and state panels and boards to make sure your sustainable message is on the forefront of discussions and your voice is heard. We collaborate with other grass-roots organizations to get sustainable farms recognized.

Your Eyes

We watch legislation and regulations and keep you informed on key topics critical to healthy agriculture. We monitor the issues that affect local food systems; organic and other natural farming, seed diversity, value added farm products, and much more.

Your Hands

We strengthen sustainable farms and local marketing channels through field days, farmer participatory research projects, workshops, and Farm Breeding Club’s renowned plant breeding, seed saving, increase, and sharing program.

Your Ears

We hear and share ideas and build networks to help you and sustainable agriculture grow and flourish through our print and electronic publications, website, social networks, Winter Conference and more!

Our Memberships

Student Membership

(Includes you, your spouse or significant partner & minor children)



Individual Membership

(Includes you)



Basic Membership

(Includes you, your spouse or significant partner & minor children)



Business Membership

(Includes you, your spouse or significant partner & minor children)



Lifetime Membership

(Includes you, your spouse or significant partner & minor children)



Student Membership

(Includes you, your spouse or significant partner & minor children)



Basic Membership

(Includes you, your spouse or significant partner & minor children)



Business Membership

(Includes you, your spouse or significant partner & minor children)



Lifetime Membership

(Includes you, your spouse or significant partner & minor children)

