Friend of the Farmer Award Recipients
Brad Brummond
Brad Brummond is a North Dakota State University Extension agriculture and natural resources agent in Walsh County, North Dakota.
Brummond joined NDSU Extension in 1982. Throughout his career, he has helped producers improve their crop production. That includes working to improve soil health, control weeds and identify new pesticide-resistant weeds, and providing training in the proper use of pesticides to keep farmers and the public safe. In addition, he has become an expert in organic crops and sustainable agriculture.
Brad has been a member of NPSAS since the early 1990s and has served NPSAS as President, Past President, Vice President, and Secretary. He has also served as the Program Committee Chair for the annual conference for his many years on the board.
Brad began his journey in sustainable agriculture in 1988 when he hosted a successful organic conference in Steele, North Dakota. He went on to become the organic contact for NDSU Extension, a position that he held for over 20 years. He also served as chair of the North Dakota Department of Agriculture’s Organic Advisory Council and served through both as democratic and republican commissioner of agriculture.
Brad served two terms on the North Central SARE Administrative Council and served as chair and past chair during his tenure. He focused on youth and native nations during his last term on the council.
Brad led efforts to build bridges between the organic community, NDSU, and conventional agriculture. His goal was to give sustainable agriculture a seat at the table when important issues like transgenic organisms were discussed.
Roger TeSlaa
Ray Juhl, Natural Way Mill
Cathy Scheibe
The 2018 Friend of the Farmer award was presented to Cathy Scheibe, LaMoure, N.D. Cathy was chosen for her continued support and commitment to the organization. She can often be found promoting the work and mission of NPSAS to friends and colleagues in the LaMoure community and beyond. She generously provides the grounds and building in LaMoure where the local weekly farmer’s market is held. And for the past several years, Toy Farmer auctions off a toy tractor with proceeds donated to the NPSAS general operating fund. She proudly sponsors the youth T-shirts provided at the annual Winter Conference. Cathy’s history began as a city girl, born in St. Paul and later grew up in Moorhead. She doesn’t have to reach too far back in her family to connect with her farming roots. Her dad’s family pioneered in the Le Sueur, Minn. area before moving to St. Paul and her mom’s family was among the earliest settlers in the Red River Valley. When she was very young she spent a lot of time on the family market garden farm, picking strawberries as her very first job. In the summer of 1960, she did something she thought she would never do, she married a farmer, Claire Scheibe, from LaMoure, ND. They had three children in four years—and she finished college at UND Ellendale branch with a degree in history and English. She taught school briefly in LaMoure until they had their fourth child. She stayed home until all of the children were in school and then substitute taught for over 20 years. During this time she helped on the farm with her husband and his parents where they raised small grains and beef cattle. When the children were little they milked two Brown Swiss cows, raised a large garden, had a few chickens, and for one brief time a small herd of sheep. Together she and Claire started a collector’s newsletter 40 years ago that eventually grew to be a large international magazine for farm toy collectors, called Toy Farmer. Through the years they have supported local farm youth groups such as FFA and 4-H by creating a memorial scholarship in Claire’s name. For 15 years the scholarship has awarded $5,000 per year to people pursuing careers in agriculture, or careers that will benefit an agricultural community. NPSAS member and past Executive Director, Theresa Podoll, was one of the recipients of this scholarship when she was pursuing her advanced degree from ISU. Cathy can’t recall exactly when she first became interested in organic/sustainable/enduring agriculture. She knew David Podoll from church but for many years David was very quiet about his involvement. She often visited a cousin in Germany who would always quote things like, “It’s not easy being green.” Her cousin was into recycling, shopping at local markets and living a sustainable life which planted the seed and helped to inspire her. When their youngest son Matt went to college in Fargo and majored in landscape architecture, he chose the Moorhead family farm to be his fifth year project that would be the start of Probstfield Farm Living History Foundation. Along with family members and one of Matt’s advisors, the foundation was started and she became a permanent member of the board. She personally purchased the 30+ acre Old Trail Market property and soon after donated the real estate to the non-profit PLHF Trust to greatly enhance the education mission and agricultural use of the property by the organization. She was the driving force for creating the Probstfield Farm Sunday Supper, a Farm-to-Table fundraiser which continues with her support. One of their earliest board presidents was Gretchen Harvey who started the Organic Community Gardens at Probstfield Farm. It was about this time that Cathy became very involved with NPSAS, attributing it to what she was learning from the Probstfield project and because of the friends she was making in LaMoure. Cathy commented, “It is my belief that sustainable agriculture is forward looking and the only way we will be able to ensure physical and economic health for all those who currently live in this world and for those who will come after us.”
Dr. Jonathan Lundgren
Dr. Chiwon Lee
Karri Stroh
Hugh & Carmen Dufner
I began growing conventional carrots and other vegetable crops at Buxton, N.D. in 1987 with the help of my brother Don Dufner and a retired neighbor, Malcolm Tweten, founder and principal owner of Nokota Packers, a potato wash plant at Buxton. We planted about 20 acres of carrots that year, mostly of the Nantes type because the variety is sweet and the carrot’s roots are short, facilitating mechanical harvest in our heavy loam soils of the Red River Valley. After harvesting the carrots in fall of 1987, we learned that Nokota Packer’s potato washing equipment did not lend itself to washing carrots. Malcolm then purchased two carrot washers and some packaging scales which we set up in a potato shed on Malcolm’s farm. With the help of Malcolm’s teen-aged boys, we spent the winter washing and packing carrots, most of which we sold to the Hornbachers stores in Fargo-Moorhead, packed in clear plastic bags with a small paper label tucked inside each bag advertising “Hugh’s Gardens ‘Short and Sweet’ Carrots.” They were a success! Having obtained carrot production, washing and packing equipment, it seemed a shame to quit the business. Meanwhile, I had learned that there was a growing demand for organic carrots and other vegetables in the Twin Cities as well as on the East Coast. In 1988, Hugh’s Gardens became a certified organic operation and began growing organic carrots, onions and other vegetables on my brother Don’s organic farm. I quickly learned that without herbicides, organically grown carrots, onions and other vegetables compete poorly with aggressive weeds such as pigweed, kocia, mustard and pigeon grass; and there were no good mechanical control options to combat these weeds. We tried flaming, harrowing and rotary hoeing. We even tried using weeder geese. In the end, close cultivation and abundant hand labor were the best answer, but hand labor was costly! And the market? Well the Twin Cities buyers were committed to their current suppliers, and would not buy from me, a new-comer! Again I sold most of my carrots and other products to Hornbachers; but now in preprinted “Hugh’s Gardens” bags with organic labeling! I also began marketing my products to the East Coast! In 1989, I experimented with my first crop of organic potatoes. Potato production equipment was available, and traditional cultivation, harrowing and hilling equipment provided adequate weed control with only a minimum amount of hand labor. Potato bugs were a more serious challenge, but there were earth-friendly organic remedies that provided effective control and did not jeoprodize human health. We were able to produce a decent crop of organic potatoes, and a Twin Cities organic distributor began to buy my products. This was real progress! During the early 1990s, Hugh’s Gardens produced mostly lesser perishable crops including potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, parsnips, turnips and squash; all or which could be stored and marketed over a lengthy period of time. As years progressed, organic potatoes became a larger and larger percentage of product sales and sales in late spring became very significant. I soon learned that I could not effectively both meet late spring packing/shipping schedules as well as plant potatoes and other rotational crops. At that point, my brother and nephews began growing organic potatoes for me. There were further challenges. One year late blight destroyed their crop and I had almost nothing to pack. Another year, heavy rains drowned most of the potatoes in mid- June. At that point, I reacted quickly and began working with new growers near LaMoure, Sibley and Valley City. Diversifying production areas helped to reduce the risk of crop failure. In 1997 I married Carmen from Ecuador who, besides teaching Spanish at NDSU, helps me to organize my files, pay bills and manages our accounting program. Carmen continues to be an invaluable partner. Our current business focus is almost exclusively on organic potatoes. We work with three local growers: my nephew John who grows red potatoes at Buxton, N.D.; Larry Heitkamp who grows primarily russets at Sebeka, MN; and Don Vig of Valley City who grows primarily yellow potatoes. Several workers in the Halstad area help us to wash and pack the potatoes during the fall, winter and spring. We also market organic potatoes from a Manitoba farm when our supply from U.S. local growers is deficient or depleted. Our primary markets are in the Twin Cities, but when supplies are abundant we also ship to the East Coast. We continue to do local sales and direct deliveries to the Hornbacher stores, Concordia College, Sydney’s and other customers in the Fargo-Moorhead area including the newly formed Prairie Roots Cooperative. We are grateful to the growers, customers and workers who have stuck with us throughout the years; our life has been enriched by all of you. As we reach retirement age, our biggest fear is that there will be no one to take over this business when we retire, to carry on what we do. We hope to find some young man, woman or couple who will be interested in managing and possibly owning this business. If you are that person or couple or if you know of someone who might be interested in managing this business, please contact us. We became members of NPSAS around 1990 and truly appreciate the moral support provided to us by NPSAS and its members over the years. We really enjoy attending the annual NPSAS Winter Conference and feel very honored to have been chosen to receive the NPSAS 2014 “Friend of the Farmer” award. NPSAS is like an extended family to Carmen and I. Thanks NPSAS for all that you do!
Susan Long
Chuck Fleming
Jim Stordahl
Steve Dahlberg
Frank Kutka
Theresa Podoll
Dr. Patrick Carr
Sharon Clancy
Sharon passed away in October 2012.